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Cathe Live Review: Love Me Some Kickboxing (#272)

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Updated: Mar 24, 2020

Cathe Live: Love Me Some Kickboxing

Cathe Live Review: Love Me Some Kickboxing (#272)

Love Me Some Kickboxing is a cardio kickboxing workout that mixes punches, kicks and cardio blasts with a longer Heavy Bag section. This was a fun workout that really ramped up towards the end.

The workout started off with a very long and fairly low key warm-up before moving into the main workout. Cathe wandered around more, during this workout, than usual and even during the warm-up she often stopped doing the actual move and left the class to carry on instead. I found this a little odd as this is quite unusual for her.

The first part of the main workout was a mix of kicks and punches, one punch combo (very similar to Fit Split Boxing Combo 2) and a few cardio moves. The cardio tended to be jacks rather than real intervals although she did do a set of icebreakers. However, she also marched in between many of the moves and this also kept the intensity a bit lower. Therefore, I shuffled and did jacks, in between, to try and keep my heart rate a little higher.

The second part of the routine was a long and enjoyable Heavy Bag section. As I don’t have a bag I just shadow boxed as usual. I really liked the combination of different punches, as it was a little different to some of her routines and you also did jacks in between rather than doing tabata runs, which was a nice change.

The final part of the workout is where the routine really started to ramp up and by the end I was breathing hard and sweating. This is a combination of cardio intervals, punches, kicks and a final punch and kick combo that was mixed with more intervals. This part of the workout reminded me more of Cathe’s Low Impact Training Extreme (LITE) Rev’d Up Rumble (to see a review of this workout click HERE) and the bonus Calorie Crushes. (For a full review of the LITE series click HERE). Some of the punching and kicking drills were familiar and the majority of the intervals were lifted directly from the Calorie Crushes, such as, 3 alternating twists / 1 tuck jump and pop squats / jump ropes / jacks. The final combo and air jack finisher really got me working and was a great way to round out the workout.

Cathe and class wore gloves for this workout and I wore wrist weights. I think these are pretty necessary to try and keep the intensity up a bit higher, particularly during the early part of the routine. The choreography for this one is not too complex, as the moves are often more punches, kicks or cardio blasts rather than real combos. Cathe does break down the moves in layers though so as always you have a chance to learn them before putting them all together.

One other thing to mention, about this workout, was Nate – a guy in the back row - who was absolutely amazing. He had so much energy and jumped so high on the heel clicks and tuck jumps – a real inspiration! I know some people have already commented, on Cathe’s forum, that he should be in her next kickboxing DVD and I wholeheartedly agree as he really motivates you to punch harder and jump higher.

Overall, this was a fun kickboxing workout that starts out a little lower intensity but really ramps up towards the end. This is definitely one I will be returning to often.

(For more information about Cathe Live, how to sign up & to see all of my Cathe Live reviews, click HERE).

The Workout

Love Me Some Kickboxing is a pure cardio kickboxing routine consisting of punching, kicking, cardio drills and a Heavy Bag Section. Cathe wore boxing gloves (I used wrist weights) and a Heavy Bag (optional – I just shadow boxed).

What You Need to Know

What you need to know: Instructor: Cathe Friedrich. Length: 57 mins. Equipment needed: Boxing gloves (or wrist weights) & a Heavy Bag (optional). Fun Factor: 4/5. Sweat Factor: 4/5. Coordination: 3/5

(Rating scale – 1= lowest & 5 = highest).

The Moves

Love Me Some Kickboxing is 57 minutes long and originally aired on 7th November 2019 (#272). The workout starts with a 15 minute warm-up (best guess) before continuing into cardio kickboxing. Cathe and class have their boxing gloves already on at the start of the routine. The main moves are shown below are usually repeated on the other side.

Cardio Kickboxing

  • Jacks

  • 3 Marches & back kick

  • Knee smash & front kick / side kick & cross punch

  • Jacks

Quick water break at 18:35 minutes

  • Icebreakers

  • Shuffle to side x4 & jab, cross, jab, cross / jab, cross, upper cut, body shot

  • Jab, jab, over the top elbow strike / 2 slow hooks / 2 upper cuts & 2 hooks (fast) / walk forward & back x4 while punching / slow burpee & heel click

Quick water break at 26:05 minutes. Move to Heavy Bag (I just shadow boxed).

Heavy Bag at 26:30 minutes

  • 7 Jabs & 1 cross / 3 jabs & 1 cross / jab, cross (25, 50, 75 & 100%)

  • Jacks & repeat on other side

  • 2 Jabs & retreat with speedbag arms & 2 jumps

  • Jab, cross, jab (fast)

  • Repeat two combos above on other side

  • Jacks

  • 2 High jabs & 2 low cross / back fists

  • Jacks & repeat above on other side

Quick water break at 33:30 minutes. Move away from Heavy Bag.

Cardio Kickboxing

  • 2 Front kicks / 2 side kicks / 2 back kicks / 2 side kicks

  • Double upper cut / upper cut / flurry upper cuts / speedbags

  • Fast feet punching forward & to the side then speedbag arms

  • Jacks / jack & jab

  • Shuffle to side x3 & punch across / hook / upper cut

  • 3 Alternating twists / 1 tuck jump

  • Pop squats / jump ropes / jacks

  • 4 Attacks (legs out) / 4 heel clicks

Quick water break at 43:50 minutes

  • Jab, cross / rock, rock / back knee smash, double front kick & back kick

  • Touch down jacks

  • Shuffle & hook / 2 back fist / hi-lo jabs

  • Shuffle & jab

  • Shuffle jabs (moving back) x4 / 2 jacks / 2 air jacks (turning)

  • Repeat above on other side

  • Air jacks – 3 sets of 8 reps

The workout ends with a 2 minute cool down and stretch.

Take Action

Try it today! Find out more about how to subscribe and to check out all of my Cathe Live Reviews - click HERE.

If you liked this workout, check out my review of Cathe Live: Hearts on Fire – HERE.

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1 comentário

17 de ago. de 2021

So much fun!! Really a nice gradual buildup to the last segment.

Nate is incredible!

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