Cathe Live Review: Total Body Cardio & Weights (#72)
Total Body Cardio & Weights is a cardio and strength circuit workout that ends with a short standing core section.
The workout consists of five circuits that each have a cardio section and then two or three strength exercises. This is a slightly different total body workout than Cathe’s usual, as each cardio section has a mix of more steady state cardio and then ends with a Hiit drill. This was a nice change rather than just intervals and I really enjoyed the whole workout. It definitely isn’t one of Cathe’s toughest routines but did provide a good amount of cardio to get my heart rate up and a nice mix of strength exercises that target a little bit of everything.
The cardio sections are a little longer and are a really nice interlude between the strength moves. These are a combination of kickboxing / boxing type moves and more hi-lo cardio and I found them really enjoyable. You then move into a Hiit drill that is just one move done for a set number of reps and is often repeated for two or three sets.
The strength moves are not really comprehensive but do hit every muscle group at least once. Many of the moves are compound exercises so work both the upper and lower body, at the same time, and this makes it more metabolic in nature. Cathe went quite light on her dumbbells so I did increase on a few and would probably increase a little further next time too. The reps are reasonably high but are also at a fairly controlled pace so you can go a little heavier, if you want to. This wasn’t the toughest strength training but with the right weights you will start to feel the work.
The routine ends with two standing exercises for the core. These provide only light toning, for the core section, and are not very tough but I guess Cathe wanted to make sure she hit every muscle group even if only a little bit. I would have liked a longer core section here, just to round out the workout, so I just added on some more abdominal work afterwards.
Overall, this is a highly enjoyable total body, circuit workout that is good for a day when you don’t want to go all out but do still want a good cardio and strength challenge.
(For more information about Cathe Live, how to sign up & to see all of my Cathe Live reviews, click HERE).
The Workout
Total Body Cardio & Weights is a cardio and strength workout consisting of five circuits of a cardio section and two or three strength exercises. The routine ends with two standing exercises for the core.
What You Need to Know

(Rating scale – 1= lowest & 5 = highest).
The Moves
Total Body Cardio & Weights is 52 minutes long and originally aired on 15th October 2015 (#72). The workout starts with a 5 minute warm-up before moving into the first circuit.
Circuit 1
Jogs / double hops / pendulums / tap outs to side & back / jacks / fast scissors
In out jacks (wide jump forward, jump in & out, jump rope back x2 & jacks x4 – 8 reps
Squat press – two 10# Dbs – 17 reps. 8x both & 8x 1 arm
Hammer curls w/ heel taps / overhead press – two 10# Dbs – 5x hammer & 16 x overhead
Front raise & shoulder pull (do front raise; palms facing down then pull the dumbbell back to your shoulder; push back out & down) – two 8# Dbs – 2 sets (4x 1 arm & 4x both arms)
Circuit 2
4 Power hops forward & 4 block jacks back / jacks (different variations) / 3 leaps (to side) & 1 jack
Flying angel jacks – 3 sets of 8 reps
Sumo squats & bicep curls – two 10# Dbs (I used 12’s) – 2 sets (2x both arms & 4x 1 arm) & 2x both arms
Rear delt flys – two 10# Dbs - 3 sets of 10 reps
Circuit 3
Hopping twists / twist travel, 2 jacks & 4 jump ropes / heels forward (hopping) / kick forward x4, kick side to side x4, kick back x4 & kick side to side x4 / jacks
3 Jumps forward & turn – 12 sets
Static lunges & overhead tricep extensions - two 8# Dbs - 2 sets of 6 reps & 2 sets of 4 reps
Tricep kickbacks – two 10# Dbs – 16 reps
Circuit 4
Shuffle & jabs (moving back) & 4 jacks (turning) / shuffle & jab (in place) / jab, cross, reach & knee pull (jumping)
3 Rope climbs & 1 elbow strike – 8 sets each side
Deadlifts & deadrows – two 15# Dbs (I used 20’s) – 3x D/L, 8x row, 4x D/L & 5 sets (1x D/L & 1x row)
Rotational rows – two 12# Dbs (I used 15’s) – 14 reps
Push-ups – mat – 3 sets of 8 reps
Circuit 5
Split lunge jumps – 16 reps each side
Squat & lunge combo (hopping in between) – 8 reps & 14 reps
Plie squats & upright rows – two 12# Dbs – 16 reps (narrow grip) & 16 reps (wide grip)
1 arm rows / 1 arm horizontal rows – one 15# Db (I used 1x 20) – 8 reps / 8 reps (horizontal) / 8 reps
1 Leg tricep dips alternated w/ 5 tricep push-ups – mat - 3 sets total (1st set - 32 tricep dips & 2nd & 3rd sets - 16 tricep dips)
Bicep curls / hammer curls – two 12# Dbs (I used 15’s) – 18x 1 arm bicep, 14x 1 arm hammer, 4x both arms hammer
Standing Core at 44:15 minutes
Standing side bends - Cathe holds two 10# Dbs in one hand (I used 1x 20) – 2 sets of 16 reps & 2 sets of 8 reps
Squat & twist w/ knee raise – one 12# Db – 36 reps
The workout ends with a 3:30 minute cool down and stretch.
Take Action
Try it today! Find out more about how to subscribe and to check out all of my Cathe Live Reviews - click HERE.
If you liked this workout, check out my review of Cathe Live: Better Body Bootcamp (#257) – HERE.
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Total Body was my rotation today. Great workout, a little bit of everything in it. I followed Cathe's weights this time. Kept the cardio in medium heart rate, as I'm working my way to keep endurance.
An excellent workout, my favorite kind. Unfortunately I am so sore from my last two workouts I could barely finish it. I had to lighten up my weights. Glad I pushed through