Discover Fitness My Style
So you can discover fitness your style...
Welcome to my blog - Fitness My Style. Fitness for me isn't about doing what everyone else is doing or following the latest trends - it's about finding a routine that works for me and that I can stick to week in, week out. This is a journey to find the things I love that make me a happier, healthier version of myself. This blog aims to share ideas, tools, tips and reviews of workouts, fitness equipment and events to help you find a fitness style that works for you - not just this week but every week...
After all the only fitness program that really works is the one you will actually do...
With that in mind, my blog aims to help you:
Determine some of the habits that will allow you to build a more healthy lifestyle – including building fitness into your daily routine
Find the right type of activity / exercise routine that you can benefit from, enjoy, and more importantly stick with, for the long-term
Find encouragement, tools and advice for those days when you just don’t feel like it or when you are struggling
Celebrate the everyday small wins, which add up to big long-lasting changes
Live your best life through practical tips and tools to enable you to adopt a more consistent and successful approach to fitness
Read on, and enjoy.

Strive for consistency not perfection...
As a Business & Life Coach and avid fitness lover, I write honest & detailed articles to enable fitness to become a part of your every day routine.

Honest & detailed reviews of popular exercise videos, programs, equipment & services
Find a style you love!
Practical and detailed reviews of a range of different programs, videos, events and streaming services will help you choose what will work best for you.

Fitness & wellbeing tips, ideas & information
Enable fitness to become a part of your daily routine
Whether you are just starting out, stuck in a rut, need a little extra motivation or are on track with your fitness routine and just want some different ideas, challenges or a virtual hug.

Suggestions, ideas & buying tips for fitness equipment you might need
Live your best life!
If you are a beginner, getting back into fitness or an avid exerciser, having the right equipment makes all the difference to helping you stay consistent & making fitness as hassle free and effective as possible.