Cathe Live Review: Fit Body Bootcamp (#142)
Fit Body Bootcamp is a high energy, cardio and strength bootcamp workout that will definitely get you working.
The workout includes eight rounds of different exercises. The first seven rounds all start with one cardio interval and then two to four strength exercises. The final round is just three high impact cardio drills. This is a pretty tough and very cardio focused routine and I was drenched by the end. The intensity comes not only from the cardio intervals but from the strength moves too as you are moving quickly and there is very little rest between exercises or rounds.
The cardio intervals are all plyo-type blasts that really get the heart rate up. The intervals do start out a little kinder but soon ramp up into diagonal burpees and lateral jumps / tuck jumps. There are usually one or two sets of each blast and these will definitely get you breathing harder. The pace of these is also quite fast – so for example, with the diagonal burpees I was a little bit behind Cathe’s counting on the second set.
The strength exercises are a mix of compound moves and more isolation moves for the upper body, lower body or core. There is lots of variety and none of the strength moves are repeated, unless they need to be done on the other side of the body. Some of them use the dumbbells and or the gliding devices, and some use just your own bodyweight. I felt these exercises provided a nice challenge, in between the cardio, and I went a little heavier on some of the moves and got a great workout. It is not comprehensive strength training though, as the back is not hit at all, but all of the other muscle groups are worked at least once. The reps are not too high but enough to start feeling the work.
The workout then ends with a bang, as you do three cardio interval moves, one after the other, and they are repeated for multiple sets. These include jacks / air jacks, snowboards and lateral hops. All of these are pretty high intensity moves and I was definitely struggling to keep the pace on the lateral hops by the third set! A great way to finish off the workout and provide a nice sense of accomplishment when you are done.
Overall, this is an excellent and effective bootcamp workout that provides a really good cardio challenge. Definitely one for a high energy day when you want to push yourself a little further.
(For more information about Cathe Live, how to sign up & to see all of my Cathe Live reviews, click HERE).
The Workout
Fit Body Bootcamp is a cardio and strength bootcamp workout that consists of seven rounds, of cardio and strength moves, and finishes with one round of three cardio intervals. Cathe used light to moderate dumbbells, a gliding device and a mat for this workout.
What You Need to Know

(Rating scale – 1= lowest & 5 = highest).
The Moves
Fit Body Bootcamp is 49 minutes long and originally aired on 30th March 2017 (#142). The workout starts with a 4:30 minute warm-up before a quick water break and moving into the first cardio interval. Cardio shown in bold italics below.
Round 1
4 High jacks / 4 low jacks – 8 sets
Pivoting sumo squats – one 12# dumbbell (I used 1x 15) – 20 reps
Overhead press / lunge down combo – two 10# dumbbells – 8 reps each side
Overhead tricep extensions – two 12# dumbbells – 12 reps
Round 2
Power scissors (alternating plyo jump lunges) – 32 reps & 16 reps
Rear lunge & W press – two 10# dumbbells – 2 sets of 8 reps
Side slide lunges – one gliding device – 16 reps each side

Round 3
Pivoting apple pickers – 32 reps
Squat & oblique twist (lifting knee) - one 8# dumbbell – 20 reps
1 Deadlift & 2 upright rows - two 15# dumbbells – 8 sets
Hammer curls & clutch curl / alternating hammer curls - two 10# dbs but Cathe quickly switches to 12# dumbbells (I used 15’s) – 8 sets (2x 1 arm & 1x both arms) & 20 reps (alternating hammer curl only)
Round 4
Lateral thrust burpees (on a diagonal) – 13 reps & 8 reps
Push-up & renegade row – two 12# dumbbells (I used 15’s) & mat – 8 sets
Push ups – mat – 16 reps
Front swing & lat pull down - one 10# dumbbell (I used 1x 12) – 14 reps
Rear delt flys – two 10# dumbbells - 3 sets of 10 reps

Round 5
Shuffle, shuffle, drop squat
Crossback slide lunges – one 10# dumbbell (I used 1x 15) & one gliding device – 17 reps each side
Lateral straight arm circles - two 8# dumbbells – 16 reps forward (8 low & 8 high) & 16 reps backward (8 low & 8 high)
Seated 1 arm V-Ups (lying on side of one cheek, raise & lower straight legs towards 1 arm) – mat – 20 reps each side
Round 6
3 Lateral jumps over mat & 1 tuck jump – mat – 3 sets of 4 reps
Slide back lunges & hammer curls – two 10# dumbbells & one gliding device – 16 reps (1st side) & 18 reps (2nd side)
Side lying 1 arm tricep push-ups – mat – 16 reps each side
Crab kicks – mat (optional) – 32 reps

Round 7
Lateral skates – mat – 48 reps
Sweeper lunges – one 15# dumbbell (to rest hand on) & one gliding device – 48 reps each side
Iron cross (front raise, open straight arms to side, close arms then lower) / alternating 1 arm front raise – two 8# dumbbells – 4x iron, 8x front, 4x iron & 8x front
Crossback lunge & overhead press – two 10# dumbbells (I used 12’s) – 12 reps
Lateral plie walks – two 12# dumbbells – 8 sets
Round 8 (Finisher/Cardio only)
4 Jacks / 4 air jacks – 4 sets
Snowboards – 2 sets of 16 reps
Lateral hops – one 10# dumbbell – 16 reps, 16 reps & 8 reps
The workout ends with a 3 minute cool down and stretch. For some reason Cathe didn’t really stretch out the upper body here so I just added a few extra stretches on the end.
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If you liked this workout, check out my review of Cathe Live: Bootcamp Strong – HERE.
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Fast paced workout. I love bootcamp. I did not do the burpees at all (not a fan). The last section of cardio I did all abs. Crunches with bicycle manuevers, planks, scissors and cross scissors. I always like to add abs. Great sweat my heartrate was up.
Fun, fast moving--- tiring. Now, I have this workout rule at my age ( mid 50s): I can skip one (only one!) Workout move of my choice in each workout I do but I must substitute it with abs. Clearly I routinely dump burpees! But other than the burpees that I dumped anyway, there is no dread factor with this workout. Not too many reps, not too much cardio. The cardio finale is a cake walk.