Cathe Live Review: Fit Tower Bootcamp Workout (#268)
Fit Tower Bootcamp Workout is a fun cardio and strength routine using the Fit Tower. This was a really nice, more intermediate level, bootcamp workout and I really enjoyed it.
The workout is set up in rounds of one cardio interval, often using the Fit Tower, and a mix of strength exercises for the lower body, upper body and core. As I don’t have a Fit Tower, I did this routine using a chair and a step. I only had to modify a couple of moves and these are detailed in ‘The Moves’ section below.
The cardio intervals are all very familiar moves from Cathe’s other Fit Tower / barre workouts and are generally not that high rep. You also get breaks, before doing the interval again on the other side, and this also keeps it a little more moderate. Therefore, you are not breathing too hard during these but they are just enough to get you moving and get that heart rate up a little.
The strength moves were a nice mix of different exercises and targeted each of the muscle groups at least once. However, this is definitely not a comprehensive strength routine - as it is not very high rep and there just aren’t enough exercises to really provide a strong toning effect. The lower body, I felt, was hit a little more strongly than the upper body but definitely not Cathe’s usual high rep barre exercises.
The lower body moves are a combination of barre and dumbbell exercises. While the upper body is targeted using bodyweight and dumbbells. There were also a few new combinations of moves, such as, 1 arm scarecrows (rotator cuff) with a side leg lift and 1 arm bicep curls with calf raises – these were both fun and different! Cathe used light to moderate weights and I would probably go heavier next time to increase the intensity of this workout.
The core work, in this routine, I found to be pretty light - as there are only three exercises targeting that area. So I just added on a little extra core at the end to round out the program.
Overall, this was a slightly lighter bootcamp workout that is packed with variety and absolutely flew by. This is definitely one I will be returning to any time I want a fun cardio and strength workout to target a little bit of everything!
(For more information about Cathe Live, how to sign up & to see all of my Cathe Live reviews, click HERE).
The Workout
Fit Tower Bootcamp Workout is cardio and strength routine consisting of six rounds of 1 cardio interval and 4 - 5 strength exercises for lower, upper body and core. Cathe used a Fit Tower (I used a chair and a step) and light to moderate dumbbells for this workout.
What You Need to Know

(Rating scale – 1= lowest & 5 = highest).
The Moves
Fit Tower Bootcamp Workout is 50 minutes long and originally aired on 3rd October 2019 (#268). The workout starts with a 3 minute warm-up not using the Fit Tower. The Fit Tower bar is set at No.9 at the start of the routine. For equipment below, I just mention the Fit Tower where you can substitute a chair. Where you need other modifications I have detailed them below. Cardio moves shown in bold italics below.
Round 1
Plie pulls (jumping) – one hand on Fit Tower – 32 reps each side
Lateral walks – two 10# dumbbells – 8 sets
Incline push-ups – Fit Tower at No. 4 (I used a step with three risers or you could do these on the floor) – 12 x 2/2 count & 8x singles
Push dips – one 10# dumbbell & Fit Tower at No. 8 – 32 reps each side
Round 2
Mountain climbers – Fit Tower at No. 3 – 40 reps
Walking lunges & plie pulse squats – two 10# dumbbells – 8 sets
High & tight (feet together) – Fit Tower at No. 8 – 4 sets of 15 reps
Tricep dips – Fit Tower at No. 3 (I used a step with three risers or you could use the seat of the chair) – 56 reps

Round 3
Squat & side lunge combo (jumping) – Fit Tower at No. 8 – 16 reps each side
Deadlifts – two 15# dumbbells (I used 20’s) – 12 reps (2/2 count)
Wide stance deadlifts – two 15# dumbbells (I used 20’s) – 11 reps (3/1 count)
Pull-ups – Fit Tower at No. 8 (I did deadrows using two 15# dumbbells) – 16 reps
Chin-ups (underhand grip) – Fit Tower (I did bicep curls using two 15# dumbbells) – 8 reps (1/3 count) & 8 reps (singles)
High hip pulses – Fit Tower – 64 reps (1st side) & 72 reps (2nd side)
Round 4
Plie jacks - one hand on Fit Tower – 24 reps each side
High & tight in 4th position (one foot to inside of other & take a step apart, holding dumbbell down between legs – pulse down in this position) – one 10# dumbbell & Fit Tower – 32 reps each side
1 Arm bicep curl with calf raises – one 15# dumbbell & Fit Tower – 16 reps each side
Over under crunches (lying on back, crunch knees in then extend legs over and under the FT bar) – Fit Tower at No. 2 & mat (I did these on the mat just simulating the same move without the bar) – 22 reps (over & under) & 8 reps (under only)

Round 5
Power scissors – both hands on Fit Tower at No. 8 – 24 reps each side
1 Leg deadlift (lifting straight leg up behind you) – one 15# dumbbell & Fit Tower – 12 reps
1 Leg dips with one arm overhead press (these are reasonably fast) – one 10# dumbbell & Fit Tower at No. 7 – 16 reps each side
Heel tap crunches (lying on your back, 1 leg resting on the bar, turn out foot on floor - lift & lower it to meet other foot) – Fit Tower at No. 3 & mat (I just did these holding top leg in the air) – 28 reps each side
Round 6
Crisscross jacks – 26 reps
1 Arm scarecrows with side leg lifts – one 5# dumbbell & Fit Tower at No. 8 – 24 reps each side
Straight arm plank toe taps / knee-ins – Fit Tower No. 3 & mat – 16 reps (alt toes in under body), 16 reps (toe to shoulder) & 16 reps (knee-ins)
Glute squeezes / 1 leg hamstring raises – Fit Tower at No. 2 & a mat (I did these with my feet on step with two risers but you could also do these with your feet on the floor) – 16 reps (glute squeeze), 40 reps (1 leg), 4 reps (glute squeeze), 32 reps (1 leg – 2nd side) & 8 reps (glute squeeze)

The workout ends with a 2 minute cool down and stretch using the Fit Tower (bar at hole No. 8) or chair.
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If you liked this workout, check out my review of Cathe Live: Fit Tower Live Roadtrip – HERE.
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This workout moves fast, the rounds move one to the next fast. Its a solid intermediate workout.
My Modifications: I did the cardio away from the tower. I also substituted weights for the chin ups and pull ups.