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Cathe Live Review: Jabs & Abs (#166)

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Cathe Live: Jabs & Abs

Cathe Live Review: Jabs & Abs (#166)

Jabs & Abs is fun cardio boxing routine that ends with a fairly tough core section. This routine isn’t as tough as some of Cathe’s boxing / kickboxing workouts but did provide a nice cardio workout. There isn’t as many high intensity drills in this but it still got my heart rate up nicely without really challenging me.

The workout starts with a fairly active warm-up before moving into the main routine. The first section is cardio boxing mixed with cardio drills. There are some lunge kicks but other than that it is all punching and cardio intervals. For pretty much all of this section you are hopping, shuffling or jumping so it got my heart rate up nicely. However, the intervals are not too tough and not that high rep so it’s not going as all out as some of Cathe’s other workouts. The punching is all fairly straight forward so nothing too complex here in terms of choreography. Cathe used boxing gloves for this workout and I wore wrist weights – I think these are pretty critical for this one, if you want a reasonable workout, otherwise it would probably be much lower intensity.

The second part of the workout is using the heavy bags. I don’t have a heavy bag so just shadow boxed (as per the first section) with no issues. As I was wearing wrist weights this still worked me well. This section is a mix of punching combos, on the bag, and intervals. Cathe says they are tabatas but they are generally longer than 20 seconds but are based on the same concept of going all out for a period of time. These definitely had me breathing a little harder.

The final boxing section is just one long, fairly complex punching combo. Even Cathe struggles a little bit on this one! It is still amazing to me that she can find combinations we haven’t seen from her before but these are a little different! You then start to cool down with a few more punches and a plank move.

The routine ends with an interesting, fairly tough core section. I really liked this section as there is so much variety and you work all angles of the core. You start the section with a flowing plank to downward dog combination, before doing push-ups and more plank moves. You then move into more crunch style exercises but these all flow nicely together and provide a good challenge for the core. The section ends with 24 leg thrusters and by this point I was feeling them!

Overall, this is a really nice, fun cardio boxing and core workout. It provides some good cardio for a slightly lighter day and will definitely challenge your whole core. This is one I will return to whenever I want a nice, feel-good workout.

(For more information about Cathe Live, how to sign up & to see all of my Cathe Live reviews, click HERE).

The Workout

Jabs & Abs is cardio boxing and core workout. Cathe and class used weighted boxing gloves for this workout. I used wrist weights instead and they worked nicely.

What You Need to Know

What you need to know: Instructor: Cathe Friedrich. Length: 52 mins. Equipment needed: Boxing gloves or wrist weights & a mat. Fun Factor: 4/5. Sweat Factor: 3/5. Coordination: 2/5

(Rating scale – 1= lowest & 5 = highest).

The Moves

Jabs & Abs is 52 minutes long and originally aired on 21st September 2017 (#166). The workout starts with a 7:30 minute warm-up before moving straight into the main routine. Cathe has her boxing gloves already on at the start of the workout. The main moves are shown below and are usually repeated on the other side.

Cardio Boxing

  • Walk forward & back punching / icebreakers

  • Slow burpee (standing at the top) & 4 jabs

  • Jabs to side

  • Jabs (turning to each side)

  • Lunge kicks

  • Jacks / travel scissors

  • Jab, cross, reach & pull knee

  • Knee pulls

  • Upper cuts / flurry upper cuts

  • Attacks / speed bags with step taps

Quick water break at 17 minutes

  • Shuffles & hook / back fist

  • Touch down jacks / jump ropes

  • Double hops (forward, middle & back)

  • Mambo front & back with jabs

  • Jabs shuffle (moving back) / 4 jacks

  • Pendulums

  • Jog / high jog

  • Heels forward (hopping) / fast feet shuffle / soldier kicks

Quick water break at 25:15 minutes

Heavy bag Section at 25:50 minutes

  • Jabs

  • Air squats

  • Tabata run – punching fast & running the feet

  • Air squats

  • 3 Jabs & cross

  • Tabata run – punching fast & running the feet x2

  • Cross & punch

  • Tabata run – punching fast & running the feet

Move back to Cardio Boxing (away from Heavy Bag) at 31:45 minutes

  • 2 Punches high & 2 punches low / 4x jab, cross / back weave & cross, jab, cross (fast) & 2 squats

  • Walk forward & back punching / hooks

  • Slow hooks

  • Upper cuts

  • Hooks / upper cuts

  • Bob & weave

  • Step back to straight arm plank & tap toe to shoulder

Quick cool down at 37:40 minutes

Get mat out for Core & do quick stretch on mat

  • Downward facing dog, plank, lower down to upward dog & push back to downward facing dog

  • Walking planks with toe taps (straight arm plank & walk down to elbows & back up, tap each toe towards shoulder)

  • Push-ups (2/2 count)

  • Elbow plank – swim arms & then legs

  • Rotating side planks (start in elbow plank & rotate to side plank, dip elbow to floor, rotate to other side)

  • Crunches (with feet on floor & knees bent)

  • Sit-up & jab

  • Crunches (with feet on floor & knees bent)

  • Bike manoeuvre

  • Pulsing crunches (knees elevated)

  • Reverse crunches

  • Crunches (with feet on floor & knees bent)

  • Rope climbs

  • Seated 1 arm V-Ups (straight legs & bent legs)

  • Leg thrusters

Rope Climbs

The workout ends with a 2:30 minute cool down and stretch.

Take Action

Try it today! Find out more about how to subscribe and to check out all of my Cathe Live Reviews - click HERE.

If you enjoyed this workout, check out my review of Cathe Live: Hit It, Strike It, Crunch It - HERE.

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1 Comment

Feb 04, 2021

A fun intermediate level workout. The core section is thorough.

Excellent workout for days when you want to sweat without exhausting yourself.

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