Cathe Live Review: Kick Punch Cardio (#132)
Kick Punch Cardio is a really fun cardio kickboxing workout. I really enjoyed this routine and the time just flew by.
The workout is made up of a mix of kicking, punching and cardio drills all mixed together. The kicking and punching combos are all fairly straight forward and are often just a few moves combined together rather than the longer combos Cathe often does. This means there is less of a learning curve needed for these and I had no trouble getting them all first time through.
This routine is constantly moving and there is very little repetition, of any of the moves, so there is lots of variety. My heart rate stayed nicely elevated throughout. It is not a really high intensity routine but I found it gave me a really nice cardio workout and I felt well worked by the end.
The cardio drills are all familiar Cathe plyometric type moves, such as, snow angel jack / front kicks or icebreakers. They are not done for too long but are just enough to get you breathing a bit harder.
The first section ends with a long, high intensity kicking combo that got my heart rate up and worked my legs well. You then move to the Heavy bag for three punching combos and tabata runs. As usual these aren’t precise tabata intervals but just a short period of time to go all out before recovering. The last tabata run is a little longer and then you move back to the floor for the final section. As I don’t have a heavy bag, I just shadow boxed, as usual, during this section whilst wearing wrist weights. I think gloves or wrist weights are useful for this workout to increase the intensity a little bit more.
The final section is a punching combo and then a series of blasts one after the other. You then repeat all of this starting on the other side. This is a really good, high energy way to finish off the workout.
(As an aside, Al from Cathe’s Ripped with Hiit DVD workouts is to the right of Cathe’s in this class).
Overall, this was a really enjoyable, cardio kickboxing routine that will definitely get your heart rate up but not leave you completely exhausted. I loved this routine and will return to it often.
(For more information about Cathe Live, how to sign up & to see all of my Cathe Live reviews, click HERE).
The Workout
Kick Punch Cardio is cardio kickboxing workout consisting of kicking, punching and cardio drills, along with a Heavy Bag section. Cathe and class used boxing gloves and I used wrist weights for this routine. Cathe also used a Heavy Bag but you can easily follow along and just shadow box, if you don’t have a bag.
What You Need to Know
(Rating scale – 1= lowest & 5 = highest).
The Moves
Kick Punch Cardio is 51 minutes long and originally aired on 12th January 2017 (#132). The workout starts with a 13 minute warm-up, before moving into the first kicking and punching combo. Cathe has her boxing gloves already on at the start of the workout. The main moves are shown below but bear in mind that they are often built up in layers to help you learn the combos.
Cardio Kickboxing
Knee lift / front kick / side kick / punch across
Repeat combo on other side
Jump ropes
Jump front & back / attack x2
Alternating front kicks
4 Alternating front kicks (moving forward) / jump rope (moving back)
8 Attacks (moving forward) / jump rope (moving back)
Jack & jab
Double hops (in place then front, centre, back)
Punch front mambo
Shuffle back while punching x4 / 4 jacks (turning)
Power scissors (in 4’s) – in place & travelling to side
Repeat above moves from the double hops (starting on other side)
Quick water break at 21:25 minutes
Jab, cross / rock, rock / slip & upper cut
Flying angel jack & 2 front kicks
Repeat combo & blast on other side
Shuffles / hooks / back fists
2 Alternating front kicks /2 back kicks / front kick / back kick / hammer down
Repeat above moves on other side
Quick water break at 32:10 minutes
Heavy Bag at 32:55 minutes
Tabata run – fast punching while running the feet
2 High jabs / 2 low crosses
Tabata run – fast punching while running the feet
3 High jabs / 1 low cross
Tabata run – fast punching while running the feet
Quick water break at 38:50 minutes
Boxing & Cardio Drills
2 Jabs / cross, jab, cross (fast) / upper cut, hook, upper cut, hook
Repeat combo on other side
Double upper cuts / flurry upper cuts
Touch down jacks
Hi / lo punches (jumping)
Repeat above blasts starting on other side
The workout ends with a 3:30 minute cool down and stretch.
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If you liked this workout, check out my review of Cathe Live: High Energy Kickbox (#75) – HERE.
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A Blast!! I loved this workout. I only wore 1lb gloves though. Nevertheless, time flew by. No dread factor with this one!