Cathe Live Review: Kickbox Bootcamp (#1)
Kickbox Bootcamp is a fun boxing and metabolic conditioning workout.
This was the first Cathe Live ever broadcast back in 2014, when she set up her streaming service, and unfortunately you can definitely tell! There are a few issues with this routine, which I guess is inevitable as they experimented with what worked and what didn’t, however, most of these issues were not repeated after this first session. The class is also more empty than usual, as Cathe says she scared them away with talk of cameras. (On Cathe’s forum and on Live this is just named Bootcamp but seems to get referred to as Kickbox Bootcamp instead, which is more accurate anyway).
The first issue with the workout is the camera work, the class is filmed from very weird angles, including behind, above and to the side of Cathe. This is particularly so in the warm-up and does get a little better after that. However, it means that at the start it is sometimes difficult to maintain the right lead, as you are following her from behind and suddenly then you get a front view and you are on the wrong lead. A minor issues, once you know that will be the case, but a little frustrating all the same. The other issue, with the camera work, is that many times Cathe changes move while the camera is on the class and they have not caught up. You really have to listen to Cathe’s cues and just do what you think.
The second issue is the structure of the workout, as Cathe decides part way through the routine to split the class into two groups and get them to do different things. This causes confusion not only for the class but for the viewer too as you can’t always see what is happening. The final issue is with the sound quality as it suddenly gets much louder. That being said, I still found this a pretty good workout and felt reasonably well worked by the end.
The workout starts out with a kickboxing warm-up that includes a few kicks. You then move into the main workout, which is cardio boxing mixed with cardio intervals. This is a mix of punching combos mixed with higher impact blasts, such as fast scissors, ice breakers and jacks etc. The punch combos are not always exactly the same, from one side to the other, but they are not too far out. At 25 minutes Cathe then splits the class - half go to the Heavy Bags and half do metabolic conditioning with dumbbells. Cathe goes to the Heavy Bag and so I followed her but she is then calling out instructions to the rest of the class so it is a little confusing. The heavy bag section includes punch combos and tabatas, while the other group do metabolic strength moves and end with burpees. You then switch groups so Cathe does conditioning while telling the group on the Bags what to do. This time the conditioning group don’t do burpees but as you end up waiting for the Heavy Bag group to finish I did 10 burpees then instead. (One thing to note, if you are following Cathe, she starts the drop squat into overhead press while the camera is still on the Heavy bag group but you can hear her cues and counting so you just need to start if you want to do the full number of reps).
The final section of the routine is more metabolic conditioning that everyone then does together. All of the strength exercises use 10 pound dumbbells but I increased on a few of the moves in order to get a better workout. This segment ends with core work on the mat with a few push-ups thrown in for good measure.
Overall, an effective cardio and metabolic conditioning workout but one with a rather confusing format.
(For more information about Cathe Live, how to sign up & to see all of my Cathe Live reviews, click HERE).
The Workout
Kickbox Bootcamp is a boxing and metabolic conditioning workout.
What You Need to Know

(Rating scale – 1= lowest & 5 = highest).
The Moves
Kickbox Bootcamp is 56 minutes long and originally aired on 8th May 2014 (#1). The workout starts with a 9 minute warm-up, before moving straight into the main workout. Cathe and class are already wearing boxing gloves at the start of the workout.
Cardio Boxing
Jacks (turning)
Shuffle & punch
Jabs / jab, cross / 3 jabs & 1 cross
Jump rope
Repeat on other side
Double scissors / fast scissors / travelling scissors
Jack & jab
Repeat on other side
Icebreakers (legs out on the jump every 4 reps)
4 Jabs to side
Repeat on other side
Jab, cross, reach & knee pull (jumping)
Jab, cross / hook & upper cut / jab, jab, duck
Repeat on other side
Jump ropes
Plyo jacks (hands in guard position)
Sumo march punching forward & back
4 Jabs & criss cross jack
Jabs / flurry jabs (fast)
Upper cuts / double time upper cuts / flurry upper cut (fast)
Get out dumbbells & either move to Heavy Bag (or shadow box) or Metabolic Conditioning at 24:45 minutes
Heavy Bag #1 at 25:50 minutes
Tabata runs (fast punching while running the feet) – 2 sets
Jab, cross
Jab, cross (other side)
Tabata runs (fast punching while running the feet) – 1 set
Metabolic Conditioning #1
Squat & overhead press – two 10# Dbs - lots of reps
Push-ups – 2 sets of 10 reps
Drop squat & overhead press (jump down into squat, bringing Dbs between legs, jump in & overhead press) – two 10# Dbs
Side pick-up lunge & knee lift w/ 1 arm overhead press – one 10# Db – 12 reps each side
Burpees – 2 sets of 5 reps
Quick water break & switch to Heavy Bag or Metabolic Conditioning at 30:40 minutes
Heavy Bag #2 at 31 minutes
Tabata runs (fast punching while running the feet) – 2 sets
Jab, cross
Jab, cross (other side)
Tabata runs (fast punching while running the feet) – 1 set
Jack & jab
Metabolic Conditioning #2
Squat & overhead press – two 10# Dbs – 16x both arms, 12 x 1 arm & 3 sets (1x both & 2x 1 arm)
Push-ups – 2 sets of 10 reps
Drop squat & overhead press – two 10# Dbs – 12 reps (start when you hear Cathe cue as camera is not on her)
Side pick-up lunge & knee lift w/ 1 arm overhead press – one 10# Db – 12 reps each side
(Add 10 burpees if you want to!)
Quick water break at 36.20 minutes
Metabolic Conditioning (everyone together)
Lateral plie walks (4 steps to each side) – two 10# Dbs (I used 12’s) – 6 sets & 4 sets
Sit-up / push-up combo (fast) – mat - 5 sets (5 of each)
Plie squats & 1 arm snatch – two 10# Dbs (I used 12’s) – 4 sets of 8 reps
Sweeper curls – two 10# Dbs (I used 15’s) – 6 reps & 4x hold ½ way
Overhead tricep extensions – two 10# Dbs (I used 12’s) – 12 reps (2/2 count)
1 Arm row – Cathe holds two 10# Dbs in one hand (I used 1x 20) – 16 reps each side
Side elbow plank 1 arm shoulder snatch – one 10# Db & mat – 12 reps
Side elbow plank elbow tap (in side plank, hand behind head & curl elbow down towards mat) – mat - 10 reps
Side elbow plank 1 arm shoulder snatch (other side) – one 10# Db & mat – 12 reps
Side elbow plank elbow tap (other side) – mat - 10 reps
Tricep dips – mat (& optional Dbs to rest hands on) – 24 reps
Sit-up & overhead press – two 10# Dbs & mat – 10 reps
Russian twists – one 10# Db & mat – 44 reps
1 Arm sit-up (lay on back, legs straight, one elbow bent & pressed into floor, other arm raised to ceiling; lift torso & reach toward ceiling, keeping other elbow anchored to floor) – mat - 12 reps each side
Elbow plank march / elbow plank hold – mat
Release push-ups – mat – 7 reps
Straight arm plank hold w/ leg lift – mat
Supine leg raise (lying on stomach, torso on mat; raise legs & move them out & in) – mat
Breaststroke swims (arms only; keeping feet on floor) – mat
Breaststroke swimmers (arms & legs raised off the floor; do slow breast stroke action moving both arms & legs) – mat
The workout ends with a 3 minute cool down and stretch.
Take Action
Try it today! Find out more about how to subscribe and to check out all of my Cathe Live Reviews - click HERE.
If you liked this workout, check out my review of Cathe Live: Quick Fix Kickboxing & 100 Reps Boxing Bonus Challenge Plus Step & Weight Drills (#100) – HERE.
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