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Cathe Live Review: Step On It (#59)

Cathe Live: Step On It

Cathe Live Review: Step On It (#59)

Step On It is a fairly challenging cardio step workout. This routine was tougher than I was first expecting and provided a really good cardio challenge.

The workout consists of four step combos. Some of the combos have blasts built in but many are just more jumping type moves so even though there aren’t as many actual blasts, as usual, it really helps to keep the heart rate up throughout. Cathe also has you do jacks, rather a lot, particularly when she forgets the fourth combo! So you will be breathing harder here. I also felt this routine a bit more in my legs but Cathe also made a comment about her legs feeling full so I guess I wasn’t the only one!

Cathe does the routine on a 6” step but you can always increase the height further, if you want even more of a challenge. The step combos, as usual, are built up slowly so you can learn a few moves before they are added onto the next few. You are moving over and around your step, quite a bit, and you sometimes have your back to the TV but again if you are familiar with Cathe’s other step workouts these are all fairly recognisable moves. The first combo reminded me of Cathe’s Party Rockin’ Step workout. The choreography isn’t too complex but may take a little bit of practice, if you are not used to her cueing.

Once you have built up the first combo, you then repeat it, four times through, before moving on to combo 2. You then build that up, repeating it four times, and then putting combo 1 and 2 together. You repeat this pattern for each combo.

Overall, this was a high energy cardio step workout that will definitely get you moving.

(For more information about Cathe Live, how to sign up & to see all of my Cathe Live reviews, click HERE).

The Workout

Step On It is a cardio step workout consisting of four step combos. Each combo is repeated four times before moving on. You will string together each new combo together as you progress. Cathe used a full size step, with one riser on each side, for this routine. You can always increase the step height further, if you wish to add a little more intensity.

What You Need to Know

What you need to know: Instructor: Cathe Friedrich. Length: 50 mins. Equipment needed: Full size step with one riser on each side. Fun Factor: 3/5. Sweat Factor: 4/5. Coordination: 3/5

(Rating scale – 1= lowest & 5 = highest).

The Moves

Step On It is 50 minutes long and originally aired on 16th July 2015 (#59). The workout starts with a 4:30 minute warm-up, using the step, before moving into the first combo. The step, with one riser on each side, is set up horizontally in front of you at the start of the workout. You will need to make sure you have space all around your step for this routine. Below are the finished combos but each one is built up gradually, in stages, to give you a chance to learn a few of the moves before adding on more.

Step Cardio

Combo 1

  • V on top of step, squat, crescent knee, squat, crescent knee & down jack

  • Power 7

  • 2x Reverse V & 3x salute squats

  • 2x Reverse V & 3x salute squats – other side

Repeat final combo four times through

Combo 2

  • Walk, walk, turn, walk, walk, turn

  • 2x Knee straddle, elbow to knee & triples around the step

  • 2 Knee repeater, straddle, cross back (over step)

  • Figure of 8 (on step), figure of 8 (on floor)

  • Hip hop repeater

  • Elbow to knee & 2x outer thigh lifts (jumping)

  • Elbow to knee & 2x outer thigh lifts (jumping) – other side

Repeat final combo four times through

Quick water break at 16:50 minutes

Combo 1 & 2 together (two times each)

Combo 3

  • V step (on step) & hitch kick, Charleston kick

  • Double ricochet, straddle, kick, straddle, 2 kicks, 3 lunges

  • Mambo cha cha on floor x3, pivot turn

  • V on top of step, V on floor, shuffle

  • V on top of step, V on floor, shuffle – other side

Repeat final combo four times through

Quick water break at 27:20 minutes

Combo 1, 2 & 3 together (two times each)

Combo 4

  • Up, up jack, rock back, double jump, repeater x 3

  • Knee off the side, ball change & over x3, knee off the back of step

  • Step skip (on step) & back skip on floor

  • 2 scoops on step, scoop turn, lateral hop over the step, quarter hop turn & 2x step touch

Repeat final combo four times through

Quick water break at 41:40 minutes

Combo 1, 2, 3 & 4 together (two times each)

The workout ends with a 3:30 minute cool down and stretch.

Take Action

Try it today! Find out more about how to subscribe and to check out all of my Cathe Live Reviews - click HERE.

If you liked this workout, check out my review of Cathe Live: Ready, Set, Step – HERE.

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Jul 12, 2020

Much better today. I completed all four combos. A big problem I have is that right and left aren't queued in Live so I often do not know what starter leg is next. Nevertheless, I'll get used to it.


Jul 10, 2020

A bit tricky for a nonstepper, though not as complex as Step Sweat. I'll likely repeat this tomorrow.

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