#Sydneycummings #workoutreviews #fitnessmystyle #fitnessmystylereviews #fitnessmystyleworkoutreviews #lowerbodyworkouts #strength

Sydney Cummings Review: 30 Min Power Glutes
30 Min Power Glutes is a fantastic and challenging, express, lower body strength workout. Sydney really packs a lot into a 33 minute routine and I was definitely feeling the work on this one. This is a focused heavy strength routine that targets the glutes specifically using a variety of different exercises with both dumbbells and a booty band (fabric resistance band).
This workout is part of Sydney’s Power programme and is actually Day 10 of 30 (I have included the YouTube link HERE). Sydney Cummings is a fitness professional and personal trainer that offers a huge range of different workouts on her free YouTube channel plus you can pay to join her “Sydney Squad”, a coaching and accountability group, if you want additional tools, workout calendars, daily challenges, nutrition guidance and motivation from Sydney (click HERE for more info).
The workout starts with a quick warm-up before moving into rounds of one lower body exercise that is repeated three times before moving onto something. Each move is performed for 40 or 45 seconds with a 20 or 15 second rest. What I liked about this one is that although there is repetition, I actually found it went by very quickly, as you are so focused on form and getting the exercise right, while challenging yourself with heavy weights, that you don’t really notice it that much. I also really appreciated that where you are doing single leg work you do not do three rounds on each side, as that usually really drives me crazy as it’s just too much repetition.
The majority of the lower body moves are standing exercises. There are just glutes bridges, in the middle of the workout, and then hydrants and leg lifts plus a burnout finisher on the mat at the end. The rest are variations of deadlifts, side lunges and split squats. As all of the exercises are based on timed intervals, rather than reps, you can go as heavy as you want to and then go at a pace that works best for you, while keeping good form. Sydney uses a range of dumbbells from 15 to 50 pounds and really encourages you to challenge yourself and see if you can up the weight for each progressive set of the move. She is also really motivating and you see her struggling along with you throughout the routine, which I like. Sydney also uses a medium and heavy tension fabric resistance band, for some of the moves, such as, bridges and hydrants but this is optional so no worries if you don’t have one or don’t want to use one. I only modified one move during the workout and that was the split squats, as I did these with my back leg on the floor, as using a step aggravates my knee and hip.
As mentioned, the workout ends with hydrants and then superman leg holds, where you are lying on your stomach with your legs lifted off the ground and pushing them out away from each other. Using the resistance band, I found these really challenging and even Sydney was definitely struggling with these too and had to take a few breaks. You then move into the final burnout round that is 2 minutes straight with no breaks of frog bridges. After the leg lifts I actually didn’t find these too bad so I would definitely increase my dumbbell weight on that one next time.
Overall, a fairly tough lower body workout that with the right weights will challenge your lower body and glutes, in particular, nicely. This is definitely one I will return to often.
The Workout
30 Min Power Glutes is a pure strength workout for the lower body. The routine consists of rounds of one exercise repeated three times before moving onto the next. Each exercise is performed for 40 – 45 seconds with a 15 – 20 second rest in between.
What You Need to Know

(Rating scale – 1= lowest & 5 = highest).
The Moves
30 Min Power Glutes is 36 minutes long (33 mins workout time). The workout starts with a quick intro from Sydney, about the workout and the weights she will be using, before you move into a 2:45 minute warm-up. (The workout starts at 1:25 minutes). Below I have included the weights used by Sydney or my best guess, if she did not state the weight.
Each move below is performed for 40 – 45 seconds with a 15 – 20 second rest in between.
Set 1
Deadlifts – two 30# Dbs
Deadlifts – two 40# Dbs
Deadlifts – two 50# Dbs
Set 2
Alternating single leg deadlifts (lifting back leg or keeping it on the floor) – two 20# Dbs
Alternating single leg deadlifts – two 25# Dbs
Alternating single leg deadlifts – two 25# Dbs
Set 3
Hip bridges – heavy tension booty band, one 50# Db & mat
Hip bridges – heavy tension booty band, one 50# Db & mat
Hip bridges – heavy tension booty band, one 50# Db & mat
Set 4
Alternating lateral goblet squats – one 25# Db
Alternating lateral goblet squats – one 25# Db
Alternating lateral goblet squats – one 30# Db
Set 5
Split squats (back foot on bench. I did these w/ my foot on the floor) – two 15# Dbs & bench
Split squats – two 15# Dbs & bench
Split squats – two 15# Dbs & bench – 30 seconds on each side
Set 6
Alternating fire hydrants - medium tension booty band & mat
Alternating fire hydrants - medium tension booty band & mat
Alternating fire hydrants - medium tension booty band & mat
Set 7
Superman leg presses (in superman position (lying on stomach w legs & arms lifted off mat); pulse legs out & in) - medium tension booty band (around thighs) & mat
Superman leg presses - medium tension booty band (around thighs) & mat
Superman leg presses - medium tension booty band (around thighs) & mat
Set 8 – Done for 2 mins straight with no breaks
Frog pumps (lying on back w/ soles of feet together & knees out to side; bridge up & down) – one 25# Db & mat
The workout ends with a 2:30 minute cool down and stretch plus a further 2:30 minutes of Sydney talking about mobility and glute activation etc.
Take Action
Try it today! Check out Sydney’s YouTube channel HERE.
If you liked this workout, check out my review of Cathe Live: Oh My Glutes! (#186) – HERE.
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