Cathe Live Review: 2019 Cathe Roadtrip Leg Day (#258)
2019 Cathe Roadtrip Leg Day is a metabolic strength workout focused on the lower body. This is a really nice and effective strength workout, consisting of rounds of exercises using dumbbells, a gliding device and a resistance loop. This was filmed as part of the Glassboro Roadtrip at Cathe’s own gym so the class is absolutely packed.
The routine consists of four rounds. Each round includes three lower body strength exercises, one of which uses a gliding device, these are then repeated and end with a lower body exercise using the resistance loop. This was a pretty enjoyable workout, as the time flew by and there is so much variety that it keeps you focused and interested.
This was a pretty deceptive routine though, as I for the first two rounds I was thinking this seems a little easier than Cathe’s usual leg workouts but then it starts to pick up. By the last two rounds I was really starting to feel it! The whole workout is fairly metabolic and I was pretty soaked by the end. You are also moving reasonably quickly from one thing to the next and this helps to keep the heart rate a little more elevated.
The majority of the strength moves, with the dumbbells and gliding device, are not too high rep – generally 8 – 16 reps. Apart from one exercise, they are also straight forward reps with no pulsing. Therefore, you could easily heavy up on your weights, on some of the moves, here if you wanted to. I increased my weights on several of the moves (as shown below) but probably could have increased further. The one exception is pulsing lunges and these were high rep – 32 reps per side! Overall, this definitely wasn’t as tough as some of Cathe’s leg workouts but I found it effective and it gave me a nice lower body challenge.
Overall, this is an effective and enjoyable lower body strength workout that’s packed full of variety. I really liked the combination of different exercises and training methods. This is definitely one I will return to frequently.
The Workout
2019 Cathe Roadtrip Leg Day is a pure strength lower body focused workout. The routine consists of four rounds of three exercises that are repeated. Each round ends with a lower body exercise using the resistance loop. Cathe used moderate to lighter weights, a gliding device and medium tension resistance loop. I used a blue (heavier resistance) loop instead.
What You Need to Know
(Rating scale – 1= lowest & 5 = highest).
The Moves
2019 Cathe Roadtrip Leg Day is 51 minutes long and originally aired on 27th July 2019 (#258). The workout starts with a 5 minute warm-up before moving into the first round. (Note: Cathe’s counting was a little off sometimes so she didn’t always do the same number of reps for the 2nd set or even one side to the other. These are shown below so you can add on a few reps where required).
Round 1
Squats – two 15# dumbbells (I used 20’s) – 20 reps (1st set) & 24 reps (2nd set)
Static lunges – two 15# dumbbells – 16 reps
Side slide pick-up lunges – one 10# dumbbell (I used 1x12) & gliding device – 16 reps (on 2nd set Cathe does 20 reps on left side)
Repeat above three moves
Firewalkers (side steps) – resistance loop – 3 sets of 8 reps (x4, x2 & singles)
Round 2
Alternating side to side sumo squats – one 15# dumbbell – 16 reps
Alternating forward lunges – two 12# dumbbells – 16 reps
Sliding back lunges – two 10# dumbbells & gliding device – 4 sets (1x 2/2 count & 2x singles)
Repeat above three moves
Angled steps forward & back – resistance loop – 16 singles (side to side) / 6 sets (forward & back) / 16 singles (side to side)
Round 3
Crossback slide lunges – two 10# dumbbells & gliding device – 22 & 24 reps (1st set) / 24 & 25 reps (2nd set)
Pulsing lunges – two 10# dumbbells – 32 reps
Single leg deadlift – one 15# dumbbell (I used 2x 15’s) – 16 reps (2/2 & 3/1 count)
Repeat above three moves
Angled steps forward & back with 2x side steps – resistance loop – 16 singles (side to side) / 6 sets (4x angled & 2x side steps each way) / 2 sets (forward & back only)
Round 4
Cross tap lunges – two 12# dumbbells – 16 reps
Warrior lunges – one gliding device – 8 reps
Wide squat to side lunge combo (passing db between the hands) – one 10# dumbbell (I used 1x12) – 10 reps
Repeat above three moves
Tap-outs (to side) / angled tap outs – resistance loop – 8 sets of 4 tap outs / 4 sets of 8 angled / 4 sets of 4 tap outs / 4 sets of 4 angled / 8 reps of tap outs to each side
The workout ends with a 2:30 minute cool down and stretch.
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If you enjoyed this workout, check out my review of Cathe Live: Leg Day Live! (#235) - HERE.
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Not too bad-- though I dislike lower body workouts, this workout was not overly strenuous and it had lots of variety. I even used my gliding device--with the exception of the Cross back lunges.