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Cathe Live Review: Chiseled Upper Body Blast (#370)

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Cathe Live Review: Chiseled Upper Body Blast (#370)

Chiseled Upper Body Blast is a fun, upper body, strength and cardio workout. I really liked this routine as there are no repeats and tons of variety. This is one of the rare cardio and upper body workouts on Cathe Live, as she doesn’t tend to do many of these, so I generally always enjoy them when she does!

The format for this workout is six rounds of one cardio interval and three upper body strength moves. The cardio intervals are not too high impact and you could easily keep them entirely low impact, if you preferred. They are also not done for too long but just enough to get the heart rate up a little but I was never breathing hard on any of them. They include moves like line taps, lifted squat abductions and squats in a box.

The strength moves are generally slightly faster paced moves rather than focusing on heavy strength work. Cathe used 5 to 15 pounds and apart from a few exercises, I generally used the same. This isn’t a really tough workout and given the pace, I think it would be hard to go too much heavier. I used this more as a metabolic strength / cardio workout. I did use heavier weights for the narrow grip chest press / bench press and just had to continue finishing my reps while Cathe rested, as she was going too fast for me to keep up and maintain good form with the weights I chose. The reps are generally 12 to 16 reps but a few are lower or higher.

The routine targets the whole of the upper body, as each round focuses on a particular muscle group with shoulders being hit twice. However, there are no specific core exercises in this workout but as you are engaging your core with each of the different moves, it does at least get some work.

Overall, an enjoyable and more metabolic, lighter weight, upper body strength and cardio workout that’s packed with variety.

(For more information about Cathe Live, how to sign up & to see all of my Cathe Live reviews, click HERE. Alternatively, to see all of the Cathe Live Reviews in numerical order click HERE).

The Workout

Chiseled Upper Body Blast is a cardio and upper body strength workout that consists of six rounds of one cardio interval and three upper body strength exercises.

What You Need to Know

(Rating scale – 1= lowest & 5 = highest).

The Moves

Chiseled Upper Body Blast is 38 minutes long and originally aired on 11th November 2021 (#370). The workout starts with a 3:30 minute warm-up, before moving straight into the first cardio interval. Cardio moves shown in bold italics below.

Round 1

  • Scoop water out of the pool (line taps) – 42 reps

  • Step out overhead press – two 12# Dbs – 16 reps

  • Step out upright row – two 12# Dbs – 16 reps

  • Front raise & woodchop (to diagonal) – one 10# Db (I used 1x 12) – 10 sets (1 of each)

Round 2

  • 4 Rope climbs & 4 long reach lunges – 4 sets each side

  • 1 Arm row – two 12# Dbs in one hand (I used 1x25) – 16 reps each side

  • Kettlebell swing & double arm lat pulldown – two 8# Dbs (I used 10’s) – 10 sets

  • Drop set rear delt flys – two 10# Dbs – 10 reps, 9 reps & 8 reps

Round 3

  • Shuffle, shuffle, drop – 24 reps

  • Step out W curls – two 12# Dbs – 16 reps

  • 8 Point drop curls – two 10# Dbs (I used 12’s) – 3 sets

  • Isometric hold hammer curls / iso hold bicep curls – two 10# Dbs (I used 12’s) – 2 sets hammer each side & 1 set bicep curls each side

Round 4

  • Squats in a box – 8 sets each side

  • Overhead tricep extensions – two 12# Dbs – 12 reps

  • Tricep kickbacks – two 12# Dbs (I used 15’s) – 16 reps

  • Straight arm kickbacks – two 5# Dbs – 48 reps

Round 5

  • Lifted squat abductions – 32 reps

  • 1 Arm overhead push press – one 15# Db – 16 reps (not too fast)

  • Iron cross (front raise & open) – two 5# Dbs – 7 reps & 6 reps

  • Lateral shoulder circles – two 5# Dbs – 8x low & 8x high each side

Round 6

  • Line taps – 48 reps (narrow & wide)

  • Walkout to push-up (staggered hands) & bear crawl press – mat – 3 sets each side

  • Narrow grip chest press / bench press – two 15# Dbs (I used 20’s) & mat – 8, 4, 2 & 1 reps of each

  • Push-ups (on toes) – mat – 2 sets of 8 reps

  • Chest flys – two 15# Dbs (I used 20’s) & mat – 4 sets (2x both arms & 2x 1 arm (1 each side))

The workout ends with a 3 minute cool down and stretch.

Take Action

Try it today! Find out more about how to subscribe and to check out all of my Cathe Live Reviews - click HERE. Alternatively, to see all of the Cathe Live Reviews in numerical order click HERE.

If you liked this workout, check out my review of Cathe Live: Cardio & Weights (Upper Body) #4HERE.

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