Cathe Live Review: Lift It, Split It Upper Body: Back & Biceps (#346)
Lift It, Split It Upper Body: Back & Biceps is an excellent, straight forward, heavy weight strength workout. I really liked this routine, as it is all very focused and controlled reps to burn out the back and biceps. This routine is apparently the first in a series of three workouts that Cathe started to film, ready for when she went on holiday later in the year, but was not able to complete due to her recent eye surgery. Therefore, given that she is unable to film any Cathe Lives at the moment, she decided to release this one now. I guess in future there will probably be a Chest & Triceps plus a Shoulders & Core version too or at least I definitely hope so!
This workout is an upper body split workout focusing on two muscle groups – back and biceps. The routine consists of groupings of a few different exercises that are then repeated, one more time, before moving onto the next grouping. You start with two giant sets for back, then move onto two supersets for biceps and finish with a burnout for biceps / back using the resistance tubing. As mentioned, each of the exercises are performed at a slow and controlled pace, with adequate rest in between, so you can really heavy up here, if you want to. The exercises are generally performed for 12 reps each but Cathe does throw in a few bonus reps on a couple of the exercises (noted below). Cathe used both a barbell and dumbbells for this routine, plus light and medium tension resistance tubing. I used dumbbells and a medium tension resistance band and had no issues.
All of the strength exercises are straight forward, traditional moves, such as rows, pullovers and bicep curls. Cathe also uses a stability ball, for some of the moves, to add a little more core work to the routine. She also uses a heavier barbell, than she sometimes does, either 37 or 47 pounds (apparently her BB weights are in KG’s - hence the odd increments) so you should be challenging yourself with the heaviest weight you can manage, for 12 reps, while maintaining good form. Cathe did start to struggle, quite a bit, towards the end with her weight selection and had to take a few extra pauses, during the reps, to complete them. I generally stayed with similar weights as Cathe and just increased on a few of the bicep moves but I think I would also increase a little further next time for moves like the deadlifts and shrugs, in the first section, as well as I didn’t find these as challenging as I thought I might. The work does definitely start to compound though, as you move through the workout and therefore, you may wish to have a notepad handy to jot down what worked and what didn’t to ensure you get the most out of it next time. In addition, as usual with Cathe, she carefully designs the workout to ensure that the different exercises target all angles or parts of the working muscle group, such as upper, mid and lower back so you will definitely be feeling the work throughout those muscles.
(**Update: As I suspected, the next day I have some serious DOMs in my back from this one!)
Overall, a time efficient and effective strength workout focused on the back and biceps.
(For more information about Cathe Live, how to sign up & to see all of my Cathe Live reviews, click HERE).
The Workout
Lift It, Split It Upper Body: Back & Biceps is a pure strength upper body workout focused on the back and biceps. The routine consists of a series of exercises for the back followed by a series of exercises for the biceps. The workout ends with a burnout finisher for biceps and back using the resistance tubing.
What You Need to Know

(Rating scale – 1= lowest & 5 = highest).
The Moves
Lift It, Split It Upper Body: Back & Biceps is 42 minutes long and originally aired on 6th May 2021 (#346). The workout starts with a 4:30 minute warm-up, using both light resistance tubing and 10 pound dumbbells. You then get a quick water break before moving into the first giant set for back. Cathe has her Barbell set to 47 pounds (two large plates on each side) at the start of the routine.
Underhand grip barbell rows – 47# BB (I used two 22# Dbs) – 12 reps (warm-up set) & 12 reps
1 Arm row – one 30# Db – 12 reps each side
Shoulder shrugs – 47# BB (I used two 25# Dbs) – 12 reps
Deadlifts – 47# BB (I used two 25# Dbs) – 12 reps
Underhand grip barbell rows – 47# BB (I used two 22# Dbs) – 12 reps
1 Arm row – one 30# Db – 12 reps each side
Shoulder shrugs – 47# BB (I used two 25# Dbs) – 12 reps
Deadlifts – 47# BB (I used two 25# Dbs) – 12 reps
T-Band pulls – light resistance tubing (I used medium resistance band) & mat – 12 reps
Pullovers – two 15# Dbs & ball – 12 reps
Superman lat pulldowns – light resistance tubing (I used medium resistance band) & mat – 12 reps
T-Band pulls – light resistance tubing (I used medium resistance band) & mat – 12 reps
Pullovers – two 15# Dbs & ball – 12 reps
Superman lat pulldowns – light resistance tubing (I used medium resistance band) & mat – 12 reps
Bicep curls – 37# BB (I used two 20# Dbs) – 12 reps
Seated W curls – two 12# Dbs (I used 15’s) & ball – 12 reps
Bicep curls – 37# BB (I used two 20# Dbs) – 12 reps
Seated W curls – two 12# Dbs (I used 15’s) & ball – 12 reps
Incline bicep curls – two 12# Dbs (I used 15’s) & ball – 12 reps
Preacher curls – two 12# Dbs, ball & mat – 12 reps
Incline hammer curls (or bicep curls) – two 12# Dbs (I used 15’s) & ball – 14 reps
Preacher curls – two 12# Dbs, ball & mat – 12 reps
Burnout Finisher – Biceps & Back
1 Arm bicep curl – medium resistance tubing (I used 1x 15# Db & no tubing) – 12 reps (1st side) & 15 reps (2nd side)
Reverse curls – medium resistance tubing (I used two 12# Dbs & no tubing) – 16 reps
Straight arm press back – medium resistance tubing – 48 reps
The workout ends with a 3 minute cool down and stretch.
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If you liked this workout, check out my review of Cathe Live: Burn Sets Live: Back, Chest & Shoulders (#302) – HERE.
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