Cathe Live Review: Totally Toned Legs (#56)
Totally Toned Legs is a pretty tough lower body strength workout. The first time I did this routine I found it pretty brutal but the second time it wasn’t quite so bad. Hopefully that means my lower body is a little stronger or alternatively I was just having a good day!
The workout is a mix of metabolic and strength endurance training for the lower body. Some of the exercises are non-weighted and really get the heart rate up and some are more high rep strength training that really burns out the muscles. Cathe used a combination of different equipment in this one, including dumbbells, a full size step and a gliding device. So there is lots of variety and you are targeting the body in different ways.
The routine starts standing, with a number of different moves that really worked my lower body well. This section ends with non-weighted moves, such as, chair pose and standing straight leg raises. Both of which you do multiple sets and I was really feeling these. You can even see Cathe’s legs starting to shake on the second round of chair pose.
The workout ends with a number of fairly high rep, non-weighted exercises on the floor. These include inner thigh raises, outer thigh lifts and glute presses. I really enjoyed these, as they provided a nice change to the standing exercises and finished burning out my lower body nicely. Cathe did have some issues with counting on the outer thigh section so the second side gets much more work than the first. I have noted the reps below and would suggest starting on the other side the next time you do the workout.
Overall, this is a fantastic and challenging lower body strength workout that uses a variety of techniques to really burn out those muscles.
(For more information about Cathe Live, how to sign up & to see all of my Cathe Live reviews, click HERE).
The Workout
Totally Toned Legs is a pure strength workout for the lower body. Cathe used moderate dumbbells, a full size step, with three risers on each side, a gliding device and a mat for this routine.
What You Need to Know

(Rating scale – 1= lowest & 5 = highest).
The Moves
Totally Toned Legs is 56 minutes long and originally aired on 18thJune 2015 (#56). The workout starts with an 8 minute warm-up, before moving into the first standing exercise. The step, with three risers on each side, is set up horizontally in front of you at the start of the routine. The step height remains the same during the standing section of the workout.
Standing Lower Body
Marching Sumos - one 10# Db (I used 1x 15) – 48 reps
Calf raises – two 15# Dbs – 64 reps
Reverse lunges (off top of step) – step – 8 reps
Lunge kicks (off step) – step - 20 reps each side
Sweeper lunges / warrior lunge pulses / warrior lunges – one gliding device & step – 16x sweeper, 24x pulse, 11x warrior & 8x sweeper (1st side). 16x sweeper, 36x pulse, 10x warrior & 8x sweeper (2nd side)
Step out pulsing plie squats – two 12# Dbs – 4x 7 pulses, 4x 3.5’s & 2x 3 pulses
Side slide lunges – one gliding device – 24 reps each side
Squats off side of step – one 15# Db & step – 6 sets of 7 reps
Pulsing static lunges - one 15# Db – 2x 31 pulses, 2x 15 pulses, 2x 7 pulses, 4x 3 pulses & 16x singles
Step ups (onto step) – two 10# Dbs & step – 16 reps each side
Elevated lunges (one foot elevated on step) – two 10# Dbs & step - 24 reps each side
Crossback lunges – one 12# Db (I used 1x 15) & step – 1x 15 pulses, 4x 7 pulses, 8x 3 pulses each side
Chair pose hold (feet together) - 60 second hold
Chair pose hold (feet wider apart) - 45 second hold
Standing straight leg raise (balance move) – 48 reps & 32 reps each side

Quick water break & get out mat for floor work at 40:55 minutes
Lower Body on the Floor
Inner thigh raise (sitting up & leaning back on hands, foot flexed & turned out – raise & lower) – mat – 48 reps each side
Outer thigh lifts / crossover taps (outer thigh lift then tap top foot to ground in front of other leg & up) / outer thigh lift pulses / angled knee-ins / backward circles – mat - 16x outer, 8x crossover, 16x pulse, 24x knee-in & 8x circle (1st side). 24x outer, 8x crossover, 32x pulse, 24x knee-ins & 8x circle (2ndside)
One leg glute press (lay on back, 1 foot on step, other leg raised to ceiling, raise & lower hips) – step platform & mat – 64 reps each side

The workout ends with a 3 minute cool down and stretch.
Take Action
Try it today! Find out more about how to subscribe and to check out all of my Cathe Live Reviews - click HERE.
If you liked this workout, check out my review of Cathe Live: 2019 Cathe Roadtrip Leg Day (#258) – HERE.
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Tough, but fun and full of varied moves. I kept up with Cathe with the exception of two modifications: 1. I lowered my step for the curtsy lunges because I'm short. 2. I didn't use weights during the elevated lunges because I hate them...lol. I know I'll be sore tomorrow