Cathe Live Review: Cardio Kickboxing & Core (#367)
Cardio Kickboxing & Core is a fun and enjoyable cardio workout that ends with a little core on the mat. This wasn’t the most intense routine but I did enjoy it and it was perfect for me today, as I didn’t really want to do a Hiit workout. This was also a little bit different to Cathe’s usual, as she did some different combos and used a mini ball for the core work.
The workout consists of four main sections – cardio drills, heavy bag work, kickboxing combos and finally core work. Cathe and class use boxing gloves but these are optional and I used wrist weights around my hands, as usual. The routine starts with a long and active warm-up that includes both punches and kicks, along with stretching out the body. After that you move into some cardo drills. These really got my heart rate up, as you start out with 3 sets of “Attacks” and then move into two more cardio drills. To be honest, at this point, I was a little worried that this was going to be more intense than I expected but after finishing those drills it is much less intense for the rest of the workout.
The next section is Heavy Bag work. As I don’t own a heavy bag, I just shadow boxed along with several members of the class who also didn’t use the bags. This section includes a number of quick punching combos, interspersed with tabata-style fast feet and punching. After this, you move away from the bags and go into two long kickboxing combos. These have a quick burst of fighter stance hops in between the two combos. As usual, the combos are built up in layers so you have a chance to learn the moves before putting everything together. They are each done on one side and then repeated on the other side before moving onto the next combo. The second combo here was a little different to Cathe’s usual and definitely needed some mental focus too, particularly for the crisscross jumps at the end.
The final section is core work using the mini ball. Cathe just released these to buy on her website so I guess she wanted to show how they can be used. The ball is an inflatable, non-weighted ball and did a good job of providing a little more of a stability challenge for the core work. I already have one of these balls I use for Pilates but any kind of non-weighted, small ball would work. I liked the variety of exercises she incorporated here, as they were all a little different. I just would have liked a slightly longer core section, as it felt very short and not very challenging – however it was lots of fun!
Overall, a different and enjoyable cardio and core workout.
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The Workout
Cardio Kickboxing & Core is a cardio workout with a little core at the end. The routine consists of cardio drills, Heavy Bag work, kickboxing combos and core work using a mini ball.
What You Need to Know

(Rating scale – 1= lowest & 5 = highest).
The Moves
Cardio Kickboxing & Core is 55 minutes long and originally aired on 21st October 2021 (#367). The workout starts with a long 14 minute warm-up, before a quick water break and then moving into the main routine. Cathe and class already have their boxing gloves on at the start of the routine. The main moves are shown below along with the finished combos (Cathe builds them up in layers though to help you learn the moves before adding on more).
Cardio Drills
Heels & speedbag arms / knee smash (both hopping)
3 Rope climb & 1 elbow strike
Run & speedbag arms
Move to Heavy Bag at 18:05 minutes
Jab, cross
Fast run w/ punching
Repeat other side
1 Arm punch
Fast run w/ punching
Repeat other side
Cross punch
Fast run w/ punching
Repeat other side
Jack & jab
Fast run w/ punching
Repeat other side
Kickbox Combos. Move away from Heavy Bag at 23:20 minutes.
Combo 1
Jab, cross, elbow strike/ jab, cross, upstrike / step & back kick, 3 steps side kick (starts as front kick)
Repeat combo on other side
Fighter stance double hops
Combo 2
Jab, cross / knee lift / front kick, back kick / double front kick & double back kick
Repeat on other side
Crisscross jump & punch
Repeat on other side
Jab, cross / knee lift / front kick, back kick / double front kick & double back kick / crisscross jump & punch x3 / jump turn to other side
Core Work on the Mat using Mini Ball at 41:10 minutes
Tuck & extend to straight leg lift / up & over w/ straight legs – ball (between ankles) & mat
Write your name w/ straight legs – ball (between ankles) & mat
Roll-like-a-ball – ball (between knees) & mat
Boat pose hold w/ alternating arm reach (tap alt knee) – ball (between knees) & mat
Swim extensions (leaning back on ball; extend arms & legs out & in) – ball (under upper back) & mat
1 Leg lifts (leaning back on ball; alternate lifting up 1 arm & opposite leg) – ball (under upper back) & mat
1 Leg circles (lying on back; circle 1 leg around) – ball (under 1 ankle) & mat
Superman reach (lying on stomach; reach around w/ ball to tap opposite foot as you bring it in towards your bottom; alternate sides) – ball (in 1 hand) & mat
The workout ends with a 3 minute cool down and stretch.
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An absolute blast! One of her best Kickboxing workouts. My ball is slippery and hard to grab so I wasn't able to use it for all the moves but I still got some fun core work done.